Tour: Electrified Portion of PCRy, August 23, 2014

"A" (see map at top)

"C" The power plant that fed the electrified PCRy was here, the current location of a PG&E substation.

"D" On the north side of Main just east of Broadway. The camera's view is in the direction of where the Hart House stood in front of which ran the electrified PCRy carrying passengers to and from Guadalupe.

"D" Measuring 839 feet east from Broadway on Main headed for milepost 0.0 on the Guadalupe branch where Main and Vine cross today.

"E" Just east of Ray Road on Main street where the PCRy turned and headed south to the Union Sugar plant. Follow the power lines...

"F" At the east end of Carr Scales (on the SMVRR) looking back north. Follow the power lines back to "E".

"G" At the east end of the Union Sugar property. The power poles trace where the PCRy electric line came into the plant from "F". If you turn 180 degrees from this view you see the view below of the sugar plant to the west. Between the camera and the plant was the highline where the beets were dumped into the slew and fed into the plant. The highline is now totally removed.

"B" The right-of-way is still clearly indicated by the utility poles both east and west of this spot.

"C" That building could well be from the PCRy power plant days.

"D" Milepost 0.0 of the Guadalupe branch of the PCRy, 839 feet east of Broadway on Main Street. The cross street is Vine.

"G" At the Guadalupe Amtrak station. Looking into the Union Pacific Railroad vehicle yard from the platform, one can see the base of a signal pole from Southern Pacific days.

Amtrak's northbound Pacific Surfliner came through while we were there. That was some incredible timing, Kevin!

Then off to a great lunch at El Tapatio in Guadalupe!