Betteravia Tour, September 14, 2013

At location #1, the plant manager's house.

Location #2, old passenger car on the property.

Looking away from Location #5.

20,000 ton sugar storage silos. Technical paper (1962, PDF).

Part of the beet cleaning process.

Does that tractor not remind you of tractor tipping in the movie, "Cars"?!

Where side-dump beet carts were unloaded.

The flumes which carried the beets in a river of water from the highline to the mill.

Drill presses.

From a window in the laboratory.

At right, back in the railroad offices, we examined a few pictures from inside the mill and silos. Links to some of these photos are at left above.

Location #3. The palm tree in the picture above is seen as but a planting in an old picture of the church.

Location #6. Flagpole base at the site of the 2-room school house.

From the east end of the railroad highline (where the sugar beets were unloaded from the railcars) looking back at the mill.

Scale track and building.

The lime kiln. The carbonated lime was used to remove impurities.

At the base of the lime kiln.