Join the Friends of the Santa Maria Valley Railroad!

Our mission is to preserve, improve, and interpret the historical aspects of the Santa Maria Valley Railroad. We will provide our members with presentations, educational opportunities, tours, and open house events. We also preserve and interpret the historical, economic and cultural impact of the Santa Maria Valley Railroad on the Santa Maria Valley and California.

Join online here:

Friends Memberships

Membership Number - if renewal
Update Phone Info - if renewal

Or, print out this page and fill in the info below. Add payment and send to:

Friends of the Santa Maria Valley Railroad (Friends-SMVRR)
PO Box 1031
Santa Maria, CA 93456-1031

Circle desired membership level at left.

Name: _______________________________________

Address: ____________________________________

City: _______________________________________

State: ________ Zip Code: _______________

Phone: ______________________________________

Email address:_______________________________

Level of Membership (amount):$________

Additional Donation: $________

Total Enclosed: $_____________