Preservation of Blueprints
The Friends of SMVRR have begun the task of scanning and archiving blueprints and drawings from the age of steam. These engineering blueprints from both ALCO (American Locomotive Co.) and the Baldwin Locomotive Works, are of the steam locomotives that were previously in service on the Santa Maria Valley Railroad. We have inventoried the drawings and scanned the smaller ones but the larger format blueprints, some of which have suffered some damage over decades of handling and storage, will require some special care. ASAP reprographics in SLO has been recommended as they have expertise in blueprint reproduction and restoration. The Friends have initially budgeted $500 for the purpose of scanning and duplicating these historic documents.
Help us keep the preservation of the original Steam Era Blueprints going. Please donate to our preservation fund and join our list of drawing supporters. All donated funds will be utilized for the Restoration, Scanning, Reproduction, & Preservation of our SMVRR Historic Documents.